Saturday, October 22, 2011

Youthful Exuberance

My niece Kaitlin and her husband Victor went to the Navy Ball last evening in Oceanside, where Victor is currently stationed with the Navy.  Kait shared a few photo's with me this morning, a fun photo of her and Victor making fish faces and a professional photo that was taken at the ball.

I did apologize to kait that I can't leave a perfectly beautiful photograph alone . . . if it's digital, I'm going to play with it!

The professional photo was taken with the American flag on one side and the Navy flag (?) on the other, but I decided they should have a star spangled banner for a star spangled evening . . . and of course, I put their portrait through several art filters . . . not that I could add anything to such a handsome couple!

Kaitlin and Victor/October 2011
I couldn't even leave the "fish-face" photo alone and had to play with that too! Kait and Victor are such a sweet couple who have fun being together and enjoy one another so much!  I love youthful exuberance!

Thought for the day:  As handy as apple corers can be, they don't work on crooked apples!  (how's that for philosophical?)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Love fruit . . .

In my quest for photos of pumpkins, I seemed to have stockpiled quite a few photos of various fruits so now I can play and create a few fruit renderings, using lots and lots of textures!  This is what I accomplished this evening . . . . pomegranates, my most favorite, since childhood, and messiest of fruits . . . although ripe, juicy mangoes can be pretty messy too!
Pomegranate Still Life
When I was on my quest for fruit photos, it was for apples for the "raven sculptures", but last weekend, playing around with my store of fruit photos, I created a still life of pears . . . so truly, below was my first attempt of a still life.
Pear Still Life
I have a great photo of a pumpkin and pumpkin meat with seeds, I'll see what I can accomplish with that later!

Tonight I spent part of the evening with my sister and her little 9 month old granddaughter;  Sierra was born at 27 weeks, and I give thanks that she is a healthy, whole and beautiful little girl and that she is such an integral part of my sister's life.

Thought for the day:  There is always, always, something to be thankful for!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Enhancements . . .

I'm back playing with textures, and I continue to be amazed how significantly they can change a photo, collage, whatever you put over or under various layers, changing the blending mode and reducing or strengthening the opacity.
Boot Heel (Textures by Nancy Donaldson)
The photo was taken in the boot heel of New Mexico, and is a view through a hole in an old rusty water tank. The photograph on it's own is good, but the enhancements that you can make with textures is phenomenal. (original photo below)

Thought for the day: wish my make-up was as phenomenal as textures!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Four Sisters

I enjoyed creating JC's photo rendering so much, decided to give it a second go . . . didn't quite work out the way I'd thought it would, but with time, concentration and practice, I may yet create a masterpiece!

Four Sisters (8-10, Ann Arbor)
I didn't think to smooth out our features prior to working on the photo, and the manipulation seems to accentuate what was barely there in the photo . . . but it is my three my best friends and if for no other reason, deserved posting.

Thought for the day:  its time to move on, for now, working with a different rendering style and leave the portrait masterpiece for another day!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Back at the Ranch

Still fixating about the calves that didn't turn out as anticipated, so decided to try one of Joel's grandkids. 

JC is now "7 going on 8", and this photo was taken when he was "5 going on 6", at the family branding where he rode with his granddad, dad, uncles, cousins and friends.  That meant riding up to the north pasture (very, very early) to round up the steers and calves, and bringing them down to the pens for branding.
JC Carson
JC is a fantastic horseman, and I am so impressed with him and his riding.  This spring I was watching JC ride across the south pasture, and he "rides like the wind"; he is so "one" with his horse, has no fear, and is a sight to admire and behold. 

JC is learning the art of "cutting" (cutting calves out of the herd), which you can see in his pose.  One hand holds the horn of the saddle, while the other hand holds the reins; a posture you take to  preempt a calf (you have to be ready to move really quickly) from returning to the herd. His big plans this summer are to compete in cutting events next year.  The New Mexico Cutting Horse Association does not sponsor children's events, so JC will compete with teenagers and adults from several western states.

The digital experiment is my "attempt" at a Delacroix inspired portrait.  Doesn't quite match up to the master, but I did like the results, or maybe because it was a horrible photograph of JC, and because I enjoy him so much, I wanted a "Canon moment".

Thought for the day; I want to ride like JC when I grow up!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Collage Art?

I joined a group called CollageCats after seeing that a couple of members from a digital group I belong to were members.  It wasn't until after I joined the group, that I realized that it isn't really a digital group, but rather for paperart, painting, you know, the stuff you can touch!

After a few days thinking about it, having once dabbled in paperarts, and loving collage, I decided to push my digital art in a different direction and try my hand at "collage style" digiart!  Pretty two dimensional, not bad, but most importantly, I enjoyed doing it!


Today, while cleaning out what I call my "digidownloads" file, I came across some vintage illustrations that have been on my computer for a few years; inspiration hit and then I really did have some fun!

Chiquita Bonita

OH, almost forgot, also found another illustration that I felt belonged in an autumn themed piece.

Ethereal Autumn

My thoughts today (and for the past few weeks) has been about how old my dog is getting!  She once had a little black face and body with white markings on her feet and chest; now her face is white, her body is greying, she has a hard time with her hips, can barely see or hear, and her allergies are so bad that she's drugged out on antihistamines all the time.  She was 14 years old in September.

I give thanks that today was a beautiful day, not exciting, but definitely a good day; Sunday, a day of rest.