Wednesday, November 30, 2011

52 Photos Project/Week 32 ~ Twinkling Lights ~

Bella's prompt this week for the 52 Photos Project is 'Twinkling Lights', which will soon abound all over cities and towns, from uptown to downtown, to our local neighborhood!

During the eventful, celebratory Thanksgiving this year, I seemed to have caught a cold/flu, something, and I'm not quite up to exploring the neighborhood or checking out the town for great twinkling lights . . . just yet, but . . .

I did take photo's of the lights on my mantle (still dressed for Thanksgiving) reflecting off my mental raven and my beautiful little occasional light that throws lights off its beads . . . a little mundane possibly, but I love my year round twinkling lights!
Thanksgiving Mantle
Warm and Welcoming
I do have a couple of great photos' of luminarios and Christmas lights taken over years' past, and I did think about substituting; I enjoy Bella's prompts and picking up my camera . . . so I decided that although maybe not quite "magical", I'll be presented with another opportunity to photograph this magnificent colorful Holiday Season.