Bonnie's prompt for this week's Photo Art Friday is "GIFT(S)".
"You can interpret that in ANY WAY you want. Let your imagination fly.
Your interpretation can be literal or not."
This morning, my 'new family' of birds were longing to join their counterparts
in the great outdoors, to be free!
... their longing prompted me to take them on an outing ...
What really makes my 'bird family' a true family was the gift of the "momma" bird.
I had settled on the two smaller birds but my friend Lori insisted that I couldn't break-up the family,
and gifted me the 'momma'!
Isn't she sweet!
This is the second time this week that 'gift' was the prompt.
Some think there are no coincidences,
and I'm wondering what my lesson will be.
"The manner of giving is worth more than the gift." Pierre Corneille