5 fact friday ~ October 19
I believe in angles ...
I have three best friends, my sisters ...
I have become a butler (bulteress?) to my 15 year old pup ...
I always wanted to "grow up", live on a ranch with lots of horses, cows and goats ...
I was given the opportunity to meet a young woman and assist her in reliving memories by opening up my home. Jodie, who now lives in Virginia, contacted me to ask if she could see the 'house where she grew up'; the house where I now live. It was a pleasant hour, while Jodie retold stories of growing up; stories of her mother, sister and father. Her father had a heart attack and died while they lived here. She was 17 years old, and the family moved within three months of his death, 20 years ago. The hour spent with Jodie warmed my heart.