Decided to try out Audrey's Texture Thursday, the only rule being that your photo have an addition of a texture, or that your photograph have lots of texture in it! I'm going for the photo with a texture overlay!
I am in love with Bonnie's (Pixel Dust Photo Art) texture "Dreams of Spring", and while I can't seem to push spring into action, I can daydream! Today's daydreams seem to be centering around what volunteers, both annual and perennial, will come up this year!
Last spring I transplanted morning glory volunteers (from my pots and from my sister's yard) and planted them against the wall where I currently have Virginia Creeper growing. Primarily, because I love morning glories, and because I thought the added "touch of color" would be fun!
Now I'm anxious to see how many morning glory volunteers' I'll have coming up this summer!
And just so you'll know, some volunteers escaped the transplant list and continued to thrive in the flower pots!
"A garden is never so good as it will be next year." Thomas Cooper