Once again, Nancy, at
all pulped out, has provided us with 6 fantastic grunge textures to play with and post our results on her site.
I've not been "out and about", but rather staying close to the Capitol (New Mexico Legislature is in session) without a camera, but always carry my phone (camera) . . . which has provided me a few opportunities to take photos.
Below is a photo of the New Mexico State flag which flies on the east side of the Capitol . . . when rendering the photo with Nancy's textures, the first thing that came to mind was "Red Sky at Morning", a novel written by Richard Bradford of a young man coming of age in a northern New Mexico town during WW II.
"Red Sky at Morning"/Grunge1, Hue @ 100% and Grunge4, ColorBurn @ 50% |
The next photo was taken on the west side of the Captiol of the Bataan Memorial Building, where the flag of the United States, New Mexico and the Prisioners of Was flags fly.
"Bataan Memorial Building"/Grunge 3, Color @ 100% and Grunge 5, LinearBurn @ 67% |
New Mexico saw the loss of many "native sons" in the Bataan Death March, and
the former state capital building was named the Bataan Memorial Building. Outside the building, an eternal flame burns for those who did not return. Each year the National Guard celebrates Bataan Day on 9 April, the day of the surrender of Bataan.
What I started out with was possibly a little morose . . . so just to add a tad bit of color, I played around with the photos taken in Michaels artificial flower department!
"Burst of Color I"/Grunge6, difference @ 100% and Grunge2, overlay @ 100% |
"Burst of Color II"/Square1 with level/brightness adjustments, difference@100%, Square4 with levels adjustment, vivid light @100% and Grunge2, multiply @ 100% |