I love "metaphysical gadgets", and one that I have followed for many years is a publication by Louise Hay, "your personal colors and numbers". The book I have was published in 1987, given to me by my sister Merta, and "provides a fun way to associate colors, numbers, affirmations and spiritual ideals in your daily life."
I have followed along with the book religiously for the past 25 years, figuring out the universal year, my personal year, my monthly and daily vibrations. While not complicated, it is cumbersome to explain, but what I would like to share with you going into the New Year is the Universal Vibration for 2012. Change is the key word for 2012 and goes as follows:
"Freedom and change are in the air. Let this be your year to dress up. Put your best foot forward. Drop the routine. Discard old ideas. Do something unusual. Be different this year. Get out and experience life in a new way. Make changes - in yourself, your home, your lifestyle, your business. Make sure these changes benefit others too. Look for good surprises. Yet don't throw all caution to the winds. Keep active, not restless. This can be a very satisfying year."